£÷   Division *   Multiplication -   Subtraction +   Addition %   x percent of y ∆% Percent change from y to x %T  Computes % that x is of y 1/x Reciprocal 10x Common Exponential ABS Absolute Value ACS Arc Cosine ASN Arc Sine ATN Arc Tangent CHS Change Sign COS Cosine CSC Cosecant CTN Cotangent D-R Degrees to Radians e2x Natural Exponential N!  n Factorial FRC Fractional part INT Integer part LN Natural Logarithm LOG Common Logarithm P-R Polar to Rectangular R-D Radians to Degrees R-P Rectangular to Polar RND Round SEC Secant SGN Get Sign of Number SIN Sine √x Square Root of x TAN Tangent x√y xth Root of y SQR x Squared y2x Y to the x power